The Happy Peasant Soaps

The Happy Peasant Soaps
Wild Water & Woods Gypsy Artisan Goatsmilk Soaps Call (734) 426-WILD to Order

Friday, April 30, 2010

Of Butter and Jars

Today is set aside for house cleaning, and most importantly, the gardens! I need to weed, I need to transplant, I need to prune. It looks to be a beautiful day already as the sun is rising and the birds are singing in a beautiful chorus outside.

Above is my butter paddle collection, surrounded by mason jars of varying sizes and shapes. Our new milk goat, Amelia, has graciously provided us with fresh creamy spring milk for making cheese. After the gardens are tidied today, I will be making some homemade feta.

I will post a picture of it, along with the full Sheepherder's Sourdough Bread Recipe. Happy April, tis the last day she will provide this year.

Wouldn't it be nice if children still went door to door and surprised people with May baskets on their doorknobs?


Unknown said...

Looking forward to ready about the bread and cheese. I'm hungry!

sheepyhollow said...

I can't wait to 'meet' Amelia and hear how your feta turned out! Yum! I'm still waiting on my two VERY pregnant does to kid. Jen