Tasha Tudor was a traditionalist and yet, Tasha Tudor was a revolutionary. ~
"What?", you say..."Tasha, a revolutionary?".
Yes. You see, while she chose to live as though she were in the 1820's, she also 'chose' to live as she desired. Which, for her time, was revolutionary.
I think, too often, when we try to emulate Tasha with our homes and our lives, that we become automatic carbon copies of her and feel as though something is missing. I can tell you what that is. It is your own signature style and your own twist to 'living as you choose.' Which, by the way, I am certain Tasha would highly approve of.
In that respect, I would like to share some beautiful clothing that I love. I believe these are very Tasha-ensian and would pass her approval. Feminine and billowing, beautiful yet artistic. I would love to collect more of them.
Let us remember Tasha for her contribution to the world of beautiful things, but let us, also, not cease in bringing our own beautiful things to the table.
Please do join me in celebrating the joy of beauty...the joy of being feminine.
Take Joy ~ Take Peace ~
And, please enjoy wearing skirts if you are so blessed as to be a woman!